Thursday, November 29, 2007

Anthony Diaz

I can't even imagine what this man is going through now and will go through for the rest of his life. Anthony Diaz is the only survivor in the recent Lyman Avenue house fire that claimed the lives of three children and one woman. It's very hard to stand in a hospital room and listen to what this poor man went through, realizing he just lost everything he has, physically and emotionally. It really puts things into perspective as far as the things we should be more thankful for and how we shouldn't take anything for granted.


Here is the raw video from today's interview with Lissa and I. It runs a little over 23 minutes.

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Anonymous said...

Amen to that one Todd!!! Life is so fragile we shouldn't take it for granted. Only God knows what is around the corner. Live each day to the fullest.

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