Saturday, June 30, 2007

Weekly Photos #004

This week was pretty eventful. There was the tragic apartment fire in Carey, Ohio, the Krell trial in Monroe, Michigan, a few Carty press conferences about Toledo's growth, and the fire training at the old Rogers High School. All in all a busy week.


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Here is some raw video from the fire training out at the old Rogers High School. Fire chiefs from New York City and Chicago were out there along with our Toledo guys. We also met crews from The Discovery Channel and PBS who were shooting documentaries about the whole thing. The roof, the roof, the roof was on fire.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Weekly Photos #003

This week was pretty busy. There was the Kroger situation, the brief storm on Thursday, and my favorite, the new Tony & Todd's. It's definitely a must-see. One of our former reporter/assignment editors even stopped by to chuckle about old times. Thanks for the ride to Yark, Joe. So far the photo posting is going well. I may even start to post them more often. We'll see.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Weekly Photos #002

So, I realized a few things last week when I first tried the whole "weekly photos" bit. First off, my sweet Sanyo SCP-8400 takes some darn good pictures for being a phone. And secondly, captioning every single photo every single week is going to drive me nuts. So, I'll just caption a few of them and see how that goes. Then maybe I'll shift over to no captioning whatsoever. We'll see.


This is the old WTVG building on Huron Street. That was back in the WSPD TV days. I believe I was still in diapers. Not sure.